Saturday, November 22, 2008

I just woke up... sunny Oakland California. Last night I spent the night watching M's neice, as well as a blind cat, and a wonderfully affectionate lab mix (Lila). For the first night in over two weeks M and I were able to share a bed, without the temperature being below 45 degrees. The only catch was that we were sharing it with the cat, the dog, and her neice. I felt like Dr. Dolittle being surrounded by licking, panting animals and a child with a very active imagination. Though she is only 3 1/2 McAlah is extremely articulate and a joy to be around. (As she just dropped my apple, which she proclaims is "ours", on the floor and remarked "wasn't that cool."
"Uh, yeah...that was awesome. You just bruised my apple! Huuuurrrrraaaaayyyyyy!!!!"

I ended up sleeping on the couch, or rather love seat, with my legs curled up. After a few hours of sleep, I was awoken by a refreshing blast of dog breath right to my face as Lila eagerly wagged her tail and begged to be let out. She is truly a great dog. OH!! Speaking of great dogs, I filled out an application last night to adopt a dog named Barney. He is a bordercollie burmese mountain dog mix. My DREAM breed. He is absolutely adorable, 2 years old? I hope things work out. Maybe I should wait a little while so that I can truly wander, as Bill Plotkin suggests. I think after breakfast I'll read a little more.

Ok, well wish me luck on my first full day being "Uncle Ben." I am creating the possibility of patience, playfulness, and discipline.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Brief Update

So I went to Yosemite today, the highlight of which was lying in a field in the valley and letting the sun kiss me. M and I had a great time exploring the falls and driving around, joking about all kinds of stuff, but the highlight was our nap/meditation in the valley.

I found out that one of my friends in Telluride got laid off. Though I am bummed out I think that it would still be good for me to go out that way. But maybe there is a better mountain town for me? I've been rolling over the idea of going out there and setting up a small business (s)(?). Hot sauce, and custom dining experiences. Write my own menu, prepare the food at the patrons house. Usually cooking for two-four people. Bring all my own ingredients and utensils. When I'm done I wash down the counter, sink, and stove, and pack my dirty pots and pans in my car and leave. Thus, they enjoy their meal. They don't have anything to worry about. I'm not sure how they would pay, maybe a set price? $150 for 4? I figure I have some street cred in the area, as I won the mushroom cookoff. Nancy and Alfredo would be a great couple to do a practice run on, and they could get the word out. I am still worried about goin out so far from home this time in my life, but I think I am starting to realize that home is a place that exists only in my mind, or my heart. I've been writing a folk song for a while that contains the lyrics, "and what I'm starting to know is that you can't go home, no you can't go home." Whether the song manifested this feeling, or the other way around is of little importance. I'm looking forward to traveling around for a bit. I just can't make up my mind where or when.

Anyway...more later....

Health, Wealth, and Happiness....


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

In Yosemite Valley

Greetings one and all. I just made this account in the hopes that it will inspire me to write and reflect upon this amazing journey of young adulthood, upon which I have already embarked.

I feel lost, and free. Alive as can be. I have some money in the bank, my health, although I'm worried about a stomach ache I've been having, and an education. I plan to leave California shortly after M leaves for HI. My car is waiting at my parent's house, already packed with WAY too much stuff. I'll get back, and then after tying up some lose ends with health insurance and bills, I'm one my way. The problem is that I can't make up my mind just where yet.

I am reading Bill Plotkin's Soulcraft, which I hope will shed some light on where I am called first. I'm eager to spend a winter in Telluride, CO, but am unsure how the separation from the woman I love will affect me. Maybe I should just leave every relationship where it started. From now on my moto is : Pack Light! That and my prayer of "Health, Wealth, and Happiness"

I emailed TU Alaska today. I can't wait to get somewhere I love and start making a difference.

I am greatful for so much, my family, friends, lovers, pets, health, a warm place to sleep, and the infinite possibilities I see before me. I LOVE LIFE!!!

Health, Wealth, and Happiness!